Leather, Shoe and Boot care

Shoe and boot care

Shoe and boot care does not only include regular cleaning, but also careful handling. It is best to always put on boots with a shoehorn or boot hook. Special tensioners keep the boots in shape and prolong their life. After taking them off, you should insert the tensioners into the boots while they are still warm.

In the course of the day, moisture forms in the shoe due to wearing. In order to dry out properly, they need a day of rest. Therefore, you should not wear the same boots every day. Never dry wet shoes on the radiator, as this dries out the leather and makes it brittle. It is best to stuff them with newspaper and let them dry at room temperature.

Shoe and boot care

Before maintenance, first remove dirt and dust. With a damp cloth wrapped tightly around the index and middle fingers, or with a brush.

Then apply a high-quality shoe polish, evenly all over until the boot has a completely matt surface. Use a small brush or cotton cloth for this. The waxes in the cream must first harden thoroughly, so do not polish until a few hours later. Run a horsehair brush over the boot with even, quick movements and not too much pressure. The more carefully and frequently you brush, the shinier the boot will be.

Shoe and boot care

Please do not use the expensive instant shine sponges. For a quick shine, rub the inside of a banana peel into the boots and polish with a cotton cloth or horsehair brush.

You can get special brushes for removing dirt, for applying creams and for polishing HERE.

leather care

The smooth and shiny leather we use for most of our products, is very durable, cuddly but tough. Maybe it lives, because it breathes, it expands and it can store and emit humidity.

It deserves a bit care from time to time. At normal exposure clean and care it with leather fat 1-2 times a year. A few hours after fatting, polish the leather with a very soft rag. That’s all.

Impregnating spray makes the leather water and dust repelling. Spray it equable, leave it dry and polish with a soft rag.

If you made really dirty things with your leather, you may wash it with handwarm hater and shampoo. Dry it fluffily hanging on an airy place, not nearby the heater, and grease afterwards.

Splashes of dust shall be removed like if they are on your naked skin: with warm water and a mild soap. Don’t rub it too hard. Use a soft sponge and spot the leather more than you rub it. Use a soft rag afterwards.

Even for por persistent stains don’t use solvents like turpentine, oxidants or benzene. Spots from protein may be removed only with handwarm water, if that fails, use cold carbonated water. Stains from fat could be removed with beaten white of egg supposedly. Spilled liqueur can be removed carefully with spirit.

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